Thursday, September 01, 2005


I have been watching the devistation with Katrina with such a heavy heart. I wish I could just wrap my arms around a family and bring them here to help them. It is so hard to watch, so gut wrenching to see the pain and destruction.

I get so upset when I hear people comment about how foolish they were not to leave. I would like to take those peope's cars, purses, wallets and their credit cards and tell them I will see them in the town about 300 miles away. I want to see how they get there. Don't they realize the majority of these people are living in such poverity already they don't have the means to evacuate the city. They don't have cars or credit cards so it isn't like they can hop a train or plane and just leave the city. Many are single parents or elderly and have no way to leave.

This whole thing has just saddened my life.

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