Tuesday, July 18, 2006

It just hit me

A true "Ahhhaa" moment for me. I have been working hard this last week to get my internship set up. I have been worrying for the last couple months on how to do the internship for my Masters degree. The panic was over the fact that I had to fit 600 hours of internship into a semester. This basically meant giving up my full-time job to do it. Just not able to happen for me as I need to work!! So in discussing it with my professor, we worked it out that I would start this fall (September 6th) and complete the first 300 hours of my internship by the end of December and than do the other 300 hours in the spring semester.

Anyway it just hit me that all this hard work is really paying off because I will be graduating in May of next spring with my Masters degree. Oh my god this has been a dream of mine forever and now I am so close to it actually happening. Graduation next spring!!!! Than I will need to worry about finding a real job!!

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