Friday, May 18, 2007


I love the fact that it is Friday today. I am feeling much better about my son. He doesn't seem to be in as much pain. I found away to wash around his cast yesterday and got him some spray on deoderant and he felt like a new man last night. He really is improving slowly but surely. Yesterday afternoon we went to clean out his gym locker and also his school locker as he hasn't been to school all week. Hopefully he can go back next Monday and Tuesday for a couple hours each day. The hard thing is when he takes his pain medication it just seems to knock him out totally for a couple hours.

Okay it is Friday and this is going to be an upbeat post. Exciting news this week, is that on my 40th birthday I will be in Chicago at CHA!! Oh my gosh I am so excited about this because it will be my first time at CHA. What a way to celebrate turning 40, with my best friend and the two other wonderful people that have given me great teaching opportunitiies at the LSS. I can't wait. The other great thing about going to CHA is that my wonderful husband is also so excited for me to go. He totally understands me wanting to go and how much it means for me to get to go!!

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