Saturday, February 14, 2009

He is 1 week old!

You have to know that this blog is going to be all about Brayden for awhile! He is already a week old and adjusting to live. He gets to go in for his first Dr. visit on Monday and hopefully he is gaining weight. He doesn't like to suck on anything, he is really lazy and thinks someone else should do it for him or something.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

More on Brayden

Baby Brayden is hopefully being released from the hospital today. He wasn't sucking well enough yesterday to be released. Today he is sucking the bottle well enough to hopefully go home. He was born with a heart murmur, but Dr. is hoping that closes up by the time he is released or they will have to head to Miles City for an ultrasound to check the murmur.

Full details on Brayden Michael,
Born at 2:29 pm, weight 8# 14 oz., 21 1/2 inches long, 14 1/2 inche head. Amanada is doing good and getting excited to get released today.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

He is here!!

Brayden Michael Burley made his way into the world today. He was born at 2:29 pm weighing in at 8# 14 oz. He is just perfect and looks like his dad. Mom and baby are doing great!!

What a great day! It is very hard to watch your child go through the pain of labor, but it was so worth it in the end.