Wednesday, June 07, 2017


brighton is called the London by the Sea.  It is very fitting because it very similar to London, but more in a Jersey pier kind of way, but way less people, even though it is crowded. The down side of this city is that it very hilly, so if you walk down, you have to walk up!  We did a lot of walking and exploring yesterday.  It was our last day so we wanted to enjoy it.  We went to the Royal Palace.  I love looking at the architecture of the buildings.  


 We hadn't planned anything in Brighton so we were just winging it.  We did a hop on hop off bus tour.  These aere great because you get to see different parts of cities and decide if it is an area to explore or not.  We went and walked around the marina area and ate lunch.  Later we went to the pier area again and rode up on the British Airways i360.  Such a cool way to get a Birdseye view of the city.