Thursday, February 28, 2008

Remembering Shelly

I can't seem to come to grasps with Shelly's death. It has been several months now but it is still just such a shock that I can't believe it. She passed very suddenly of pneumonia at the age of 52. This is my favorite picture of her with Megan at Meg's first confirmation

Monday, February 25, 2008

Loving this layout of the kids first day of school this past fall. Signed up for a beginning photoshop class that starts next month. I have worked on photoshop for awhile but nothing structured where I have learned how to use the program, just my own playing with the program. I am looking forward to learning a lot of new techinques to play with when digi scrapbooking.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

just playing around with some fun papers. Really enjoying getting the hang of playing with these layouts.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Nascar baby

I am so excited Nascar starts tomorrow. I can't wait. By the end of the season I am always tired of it, but boy by the time April rolls around I am so excited for it to get started again. Usually because that means FOOTBALL is over and I don't have to spend my weekends listening to it on the tv and the hubby and son talking about it non-stop. I just can't wait to see how well my man JR. does with his new sponsor and team!!!

On a totally different note, I was all excited to sign up for netflix again because now they have it where I can watch movies on the computer anytime. I figured it would be a great way to lay in bed and watch some movies!! Well I got all signed up and have my first 2 movies coming in the mail to me, but I can't watch any movies on my tv. So I call their wonderful customer support and find out that basically my internet provider runs their IP addresses through Canada and thus I can't watch movies on the computer because I am blocked for living in Canada when I actually live in Montana, which happens to be in the US. So I have to get my internet provider to figure out how to stop running my ip through Canada or wait to see if netflix can find a way to approve my IP address. It could be weeks before I get the service that I really wanted in the first place. Bummer

I knitted my first full project today. I got a hat completed and it fits and everything. I am so excited. I can't believe I finished a project!!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

Happy Friday

Boy when I get started on something I forget how addicted I get to it. Here I am doing my digital. Who would have thought sitting around watching the evening news while working on layouts would be a good thing!!!

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Really loving the digital. Who would have thought it was this addicting. I bought my first digital kits tonight. I have been having lots of fun with the freebies, but wanted a little bit more.

Going digital

Okay I never thought I would ever enjoy digital scrapbooking. But the more I play with it the more fun I have with it. I am really enjoying spending some of my "free" time playing on the laptop playing with digital. I know I have a ton of stuff to learn but creating has been great.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Busy Busy Week

Hard to believe it is only Wednesday. This week has been so busy for me. I have decided to sell off all my retired Stampin Up stamp sets on Ebay. I have been taking pictures and listing like crazy this week. It has been good for me because I am selling off tons of them. It will be so nice to finally eliminate so much of the stuff in my scrapbook room that I don't use anymore. It really has been suffocating my creativity.

In discussing it with Sam last night, I decided that the old days of just having a table in the corner to work at were the good old days and I want to go back to just having an office in the back room with the computer and a little desk in the corner for my scrapbooking stuff. I am going to purge and clean out so much stuff and get rid of it so I can eventually move back up there.

I have enjoyed having my own room in that I have collected so much stuff. But yet it takes me further away from my family. (The room is in the basement in the corner. I like being able to sit and scrapbook while being around them and listening to them. So my goal is to downsize and just get back to enjoying the hobby of perserving my memories rather than collecting tons of scrapbooking stuff.

Monday, February 11, 2008


Just playing around with some free digi scrapbook stuff last night. Came up with this fun layout
for Jerad.
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Sunday, February 10, 2008

It is done!!

I am so excited. I have been working for the last two years on an album of all my father in laws pictures and memorabilia from World War II. I have spent a lot of time researching information to get the details fo the pictures right. It has been really interesting working on this album. My father in law passed away in 1990 and non of his children wanted to keep the pictures, so I ended up with them. My husband loves having the album.

I went to a weekend crop this past weekend. It was great just hanging out with friends and scrapbooking all day and most of the night. It was great just working on my projects and getting caught up on my stuff.