Saturday, February 16, 2008

Nascar baby

I am so excited Nascar starts tomorrow. I can't wait. By the end of the season I am always tired of it, but boy by the time April rolls around I am so excited for it to get started again. Usually because that means FOOTBALL is over and I don't have to spend my weekends listening to it on the tv and the hubby and son talking about it non-stop. I just can't wait to see how well my man JR. does with his new sponsor and team!!!

On a totally different note, I was all excited to sign up for netflix again because now they have it where I can watch movies on the computer anytime. I figured it would be a great way to lay in bed and watch some movies!! Well I got all signed up and have my first 2 movies coming in the mail to me, but I can't watch any movies on my tv. So I call their wonderful customer support and find out that basically my internet provider runs their IP addresses through Canada and thus I can't watch movies on the computer because I am blocked for living in Canada when I actually live in Montana, which happens to be in the US. So I have to get my internet provider to figure out how to stop running my ip through Canada or wait to see if netflix can find a way to approve my IP address. It could be weeks before I get the service that I really wanted in the first place. Bummer

I knitted my first full project today. I got a hat completed and it fits and everything. I am so excited. I can't believe I finished a project!!!

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