Friday, October 08, 2004

Oh the election

Man I can't believe we still have a month till election day. This has to be the nastiest election campaign I have ever been part of. What do you think? I am just amazed listening to each politician harp on the negative issues of their opponent. What is up with that? I think that to run for any public office, there should be no negative campaigning allowed. You should not be able to say anything in regards to your opponent unless it is positive. Maybe if they can't be so negative, than they would have to concentrate on their own election strategy because they would have to say what they are going to do instead of what their opponent isn't going to do. I am so sick of politics and I can now understand why people say they are not going to vote. How sad! I would have never guessed that there would be a time when I wasn't interested in politics.

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