Saturday, August 09, 2008

:( Laptop

Well my laptop has died. I took it into the computer shop and they said I might as well just buy a new one because it would cost more to repair than the cost of a new one. I am so bummed out because I use my lap top all the time. I love sitting and working on my digital layouts with it. I am lost with out it and probably will be picking up a new one next week. I don't know if I can make it without my laptop. I figured I would be using it all the time in my new job so I have my case files with me and I don't have to run back and forth between the two schools and can work on my files at home.

We got home from Billings earlier today. Just great to go up and spend the night taking in the fair there. We got up this morning to go to the farmers market. It was great. I got to eat a crepe. Hummmmm heaven. We did a little shopping and headed home.

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